How to Make the Best House in Skyrim

Breezehome located in Whiterun.

For other uses, see Houses.

Houses are buildings with sleeping accommodations and containers that are safety for storing items. A house is bachelor for buy inside many of the larger cities in Skyrim; nonetheless, permission must be obtained from the metropolis's Jarl before their purchase. There are also a number of other backdrop throughout Skyrim that can be used equally a abode.

There is no limit to how many houses the Dragonborn may own. The Dragonborn can inquire spouses to movement into a house or choose to motion into the spouse'south business firm. Children also are able to alter houses.


  • one Benefits of owning a house
  • two List of purchasable backdrop
    • Houses
    • 2.2 Plots
  • three Advantages and Disadvantages
    • 3.1 Breezehome
    • 3.2 Honeyside
    • 3.3 Vlindrel Hall
    • 3.4 Hjerim
    • 3.5 Proudspire Manor
    • 3.6 Severin Manor DR
    • Conclusion
  • four Faction related houses
  • five Spouse houses
    • 5.1 Male spouses
    • 5.two Female spouses
  • vi Shacks
  • 7 Other houses
  • 8 Achievements and trophies
  • 9 Bugs

Benefits of owning a firm [ ]

  1. Sleeping in the Dragonborn's own firm grants the Well Rested bonus. If the Dragonborn sleeps in a house where their spouse also lives, they will receive the bonus Lover's Comfort. Notwithstanding, under the effects of the Lycanthropy affliction or having the Lover Rock active, the Dragonborn cannot gain either of these bonuses. If Hearthfire is installed, a rest bonus is also granted when sleeping in a house with adopted children. It grants 25% better healing from spells and potions for viii hours.
  2. Containers in an owned house do not reset, so items may exist stored inside whatever of its chests, wardrobes, cupboards, dressers, and others.
  3. Decorations can be bought for an owned firm from the city'due south steward. Every firm's kitchen includes a cooking pot or spit. The Dragonborn may also purchase an alchemy lab for every house. Arcane Enchanters are bachelor for every house except Breezehome in Whiterun.
  4. Hjerim, Proudspire Estate, and Vlindrel Hall accept enough combined bookshelf space between them to hold one of every bachelor book in Skyrim. This does not include diaries, journals, notes, letters, documents, recipes, or spell tomes.

List of purchasable backdrop [ ]

Houses [ ]

Proper name Location Toll Upgrade Details
Breezehome Whiterun 5000 1800 After completing "Dour Falls Barrow" from Proventus Avenicci or Brill
Hjerim Windhelm 8000–12000† 9000 Completing "Claret on the Ice" and either "The Battle for Fort Sungard" or the Royal Legion questline.
Honeyside Riften 5000–8000† 4300 Purchased from Anuriel after completing Skooma Trade.
Proudspire Manor Solitude 25000 11000 Completing "The Man Who Cried Wolf" and a miscellaneous quest named "Elisif'south Tribute" for the Jarl.
Severin Manor DR Raven Rock Free Completion of the quest "Served Cold."
Vlindrel Hall Markarth 8000 4100 Purchased from Raerek after completing a number of quests for the Jarl including the quest to "Recover Hrolfdir's Shield."
† House may however be purchased as long every bit the role player has a smaller amount of gilded on paw. The toll will be all your gilt up to the larger amount of gilt.

Plots [ ]

With the addition of Hearthfire, plots of land can exist bought for five,000 Gold in order to build a Homestead.

Proper name Agree Housecarl Details
Windstad Manor Hjaalmarch Valdimar Purchased from Aslfur, or Pactur if the Stormcloaks take taken Hjaalmarch.
Lakeview Manor Falkreath Rayya Purchased from Nenya, or Tekla if the Stormcloaks have taken Falkreath.
Heljarchen Hall The Pale Gregor Purchased from Skald the Elder, or Brina Merilis if the Imperials accept taken the Pale.

Advantages and Disadvantages [ ]

Breezehome [ ]

Breezehome, Whiterun.

Breezehome, in Whiterun, is inexpensive and hands acquired early in the game, only it is the only home that lacks an enchanting tabular array. It and Vlindrel Hall are the only homes that provide acceptable storage in the alchemy room. In club to access an Arcane Enchanter in Whiterun, the Dragonborn must exit Breezehome, then head to Dragonsreach on the reverse end of the city. If the Dragonborn is a member of the Thieves Social club, the fence in Whiterun is located outside of the metropolis entirely, at Honningbrew Meadery, making it one of the more inconvenient fences to reach. Breezehome is conveniently close to the town's smelter, blacksmith, alchemist, full general goods store, and both taverns. A second smelter tin can be found at the Companions headquarters.

Honeyside [ ]

Honeyside, Riften.

Honeyside, in Riften, is similarly cheap and tin be acquired early in the game. Unlike Breezehome, it can be equipped with an enchanting table. Additionally, the Thieves Guild debate, Tonilia, is located in the Ragged Flagon, which requires a significant trip with three transitions to reach from the domicile. A perk to owning Honeyside is that it comes with a private dock, allowing the Dragonborn to access the home from outside of the city.

Vlindrel Hall [ ]

Vlindrel Hall, Markarth.

Vlindrel Hall, in Markarth, has both an alchemy table and enchanting tabular array. Smithing amenities are bachelor, including a Smelter, but are located across town. The argue in Markarth is located nearby, but moves around and sometimes requires a transition to reach. Vlindrel Hall has the disadvantage of having fewer armor storage mannequins than the other "college-end" homes, having merely one. Vlindrel Hall is a good choice for book collectors equally it provides the about book storage (162 books), thanks to three large bookshelves conveniently located adjacent to each other instead of scattered smaller shelves such as in Hjerim.

Hjerim [ ]

Hjerim, Windhelm.

Hjerim, in Windhelm, contains both an Arcane Enchanter and an Alchemy Lab (once upgraded), and is close to Smithing civilities, a Smelter, and the Windhelm fence, all of which are closely grouped with zero transitions. Niranye, the Windhelm fence, is located outside in a market stall, whereas every other fence (except for Endon in Markarth, sometimes), requires at least one additional transition to reach. Lack of storage infinite is a concern, equally is the very poor lighting in the hidden room containing the Alchemy and Enchanting areas (dropping torches strategically may set up this). Hjerim also takes some of the most work to acquire, as the quest "Blood on the Ice" and part of the Civil War questline must exist finished before purchasing the house.

Proudspire Estate [ ]

Proudspire Manor, Confinement.

Proudspire Manor, in Solitude, is by far the most expensive abode in the game, costing 25,000 gold. Solitude itself offers an average selection of shops, however they are located some distance away from the manor. The Confinement fence is located nearby, but will require a transition to reach. 1 must buy this property to complete the quest "No Stone Unturned" legitimately as i of the Stones of Barenziah is in the bedroom surface area unless they are using the multiple Stones of Barenziah glitch.

Severin Manor DR [ ]

Severin Manor, Raven Stone.

Severin Manor, in Raven Rock, is a sizable Dunmer home given to the Dragonborn by completing the quest "Served Cold." Past default it is fully furnished, and contains an Arcane Enchanter, Alchemy Lab, and Forge, also every bit a big storage space, allowing one to unload some unwanted gear without having to exit the island. The downsides are the fact that 1 must travel from Skyrim to Solstheim to collect the items stored within, and ane'due south spouse cannot move here.

Conclusion [ ]

Hjerim can only be acquired upon progressing to a certain signal in the Civil War questline while Vlindrel Hall cannot be caused until at least level 20 and Proudspire Manor is prohibitively expensive for near low-level players. Breezehome and Honeyside are smaller, and each less user-friendly in some ways, but tin can be obtained much earlier in the game for the majority of players. Therefore, which house is nearly advantageous will likely depend upon playstyle and personal preference.

[ ]

Faction houses are granted free of charge upon joining with a gild. Spouses cannot live with the Dragonborn at these locations unless the spouse is also a fellow member, for example Aela the Huntress and Onmund beingness members of the Companions and the College of Winterhold respectively.

The breast and butt in Kodlak'due south Quarters in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun tin can reset, thus permanently deleting all items placed inside them afterwards a certain catamenia of fourth dimension. The wardrobe, cupboard and other containers exercise not, however.

Proper noun Location Faction Weather
Apprentice'due south Quarters Hall of Attainment Higher of Winterhold Available upon enrolling in the College of Winterhold.
Arch-Mage'due south Quarters Hall of the Elements College of Winterhold Available upon completing the "The Eye of Magnus."
Companion Quarters Jorrvaskr, Whiterun The Companions Available upon joining the Companions.
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Outside Falkreath Night Brotherhood Available upon joining the Nighttime Alliance (storing items here not recommended if 1 plans to continue with the quest line.)
Dawnstar Sanctuary Outside Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood Available upon completing the quest "Hail Sithis!."

The Master Bedroom upgrade costs 3,000 gold, purchased from Delvin Mallory, equally part of a total of nineteen,000 aureate upgrade of the sanctuary.

Kodlak's Quarters Jorrvaskr, Whiterun The Companions Available upon completing the "Glory of the Dead."
Lord Harkon's Quarters Castle Volkihar Volkihar Association Available later on completing "Kindred Judgment."
Nightingale Hall Exterior Riften Thieves Guild Available upon completing "Darkness Returns."
The Ragged Flagon - Cistern Riften Thieves Guild Available upon joining the Thieves Society.

Spouse houses [ ]

See also: Marriage (Skyrim)

The following is a list of all the possible spouses who ain property and the conditions required to ally them.

Male person spouses [ ]

Spouse Belongings Location Weather condition
Ainethach Karthwasten Hall Karthwasten Consummate his favor.
Balimund The Scorched Hammer Riften Complete his favor.
Filnjar Filnjar's House Shor'southward Stone Complete his favor.
Gat gro-Shargakh Pavo's House Left Hand Mine Consummate his favor.
Pavo Attius Pavo'due south House Left Hand Mine Consummate his favor.
Quintus Navale The White Phial Windhelm Consummate "The White Phial."
Revyn Sadri Sadri's Used Wares Windhelm Complete his favor.
Romlyn Dreth Romlyn Dreth's Firm Riften Consummate his favor.
Vorstag Silver-Blood Inn Markarth Hire him at to the lowest degree once
Perth Miner'southward Firm The Achieve Consummate his favor.

Female spouses [ ]

Spouse Holding Location Conditions
Aeri Aeri'southward Firm Anga'southward Mill Complete her favor.
Avrusa Sarethi Sarethi Farm Sarethi Farm Complete her favor.
Borgakh the Steel Center Larak's Longhouse Mor Khazgur Convince her to become a follower.
Camilla Valerius Riverwood Trader Riverwood Complete "The Gold Claw"
Dravynea the Stoneweaver Braidwood Inn Kynesgrove Consummate her favor.
Gilfre Gilfre's House Mixwater Mill Consummate her favor.
Mjoll the Lioness Aerin's House Riften Recall Grimsever for her.
Muiri The Hag'southward Cure Markarth Consummate "Mourning Never Comes."
Sylgja Sylgja'due south House Shor's Stone Complete her favor.
Uthgerd the Unbroken Uthgerd's Business firm Whiterun Defeat her in a brawl.
Viola Giordano Viola Giordano's House Windhelm Begin Revyn Sadri's favor, but inform Viola.
Ysolda Ysolda's Firm Whiterun Bring her one Mammoth Tusk

Shacks [ ]

Shacks are improvised, only costless to utilise, buildings with at to the lowest degree ane bed and one or more than containers that will not reset.

Name Location Price Details
Abandoned Shack North of Morthal Free This is the shack where the actor is taken to during the Nighttime Brotherhood quest: "With Friends Like These..." Only the breast is a safety container.
Alchemist'southward Shack South of Ivarstead Free A modest shack with a working Alchemy Lab. The end table side by side to the bed is a safe container.
Riverside Shack Southwest of Windhelm Complimentary A small shack that contains the half-eaten remains of the owner. Has one safe wardrobe, a Tanning Rack and a bed the Dragonborn can sleep in.
Anise's Cabin Southwest of Riverwood Free In one case Anise is dead, the bed can be slept in and all containers offering safe storage. Also features alchemy facility and enchanting table. When in the basement, followers may pass up to collaborate, saying, "We shouldn't be here."
Traitor's Post East of Windhelm Free Two wardrobes and a cupboard that you can shop items in. The chest there resets along with the bandits.

Other houses [ ]

Name Location Price Details
Abased House Markarth Free Available upon completion of "The House of Horrors." All containers are rubber and do non respawn.
Alvor and Sigrid's Business firm Riverwood Gratis Available if Hadvar is followed during "Unbound."
Faendal'due south House Riverwood Costless While Faendal is a follower. Later on dismissing him, he will sometimes be found expressionless in the street. The house remains bachelor, unlike most houses, and each container does not reset.
Goldenglow Manor West of Riften Gratuitous Available by intimidating Gulum-Ei in the Thieves Guild quest "Scoundrel's Folly."
Hod and Gerdur's Business firm Riverwood Free Available if Ralof is followed during "Unbound."

Delphine'due south Secret Room

Sleeping Behemothic Inn, Riverwood Free The hugger-mugger room becomes available during "A Blade in the Dark." The chests in the room are safe containers.
Drelas' Cottage South of Morthal Gratuitous Once Drelas is killed, the bed can be used to residuum and all containers offer safe storage facilities, as with Anise's Motel. With an enchanter tabular array and alchemy lab, and no quest being associated with it, the cottage is arguably the best improvised house in the game. Followers will refuse to interact with the role player, their merely line being "We shouldn't be hither." Only Cicero and Serana volition have normal dialogue options.

Achievements and trophies [ ]

Citizen (Achievement).png

Buy a firm
Points 10 Gamer points.svg

Bronze trophy


Raven Rock Owner
Own a house in Raven Rock
Points xx Gamer points.svg

Bronze trophy

Bugs [ ]

This section contains bugs related to Houses (Skyrim). Earlier adding a problems to this list, consider the following:

  1. Delight reload an old relieve to ostend if the issues is nonetheless happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please mail service the bug report with the advisable organisation template  360 / XB1 ,  PS3 / PS4 ,  PC / MAC ,  NX / PS5 ,  XS , depending on which platform(due south) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when list the bug and fixes, merely avert having conversations in the clarification and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions vest on the advisable forum board.
Click to see the listing of bugs encountered
  •  PC 360 PS3  An exploit can be used to acquire a house without losing gold; requires possession of the amount of Gold needed to purchase the house. Immediately after telling the steward, "I'll accept it!," exit the chat before he finishes talking, shop all gold in any nearby chest or drawer. The gilt will not exist taken, but the Dragonborn will still receive the key and trigger the buying flag on the house. For instance, this can exist used to acquire Proudspire Estate (and subsequently any other house one tin work this exploit on).
    •  360 PS3  Using the in a higher place exploit may cause weapon racks to go unusable.
    •  360 PS3  The above exploit tin can also be used to learn the ornamentation upgrades to houses for free.
  •  PC 360 PS3  Placing items anywhere in ane'southward house freely (ex. tables, dressers, etc.) will often result in the items ending up on the floor nearby upon re-entering the house. This does not include weapon racks, wall mounts, bookshelves, which are placed by activation. Bumping or otherwise moving items which were already placed in the house can also consequence in them existence "unpinned" and free to be strewn about the house. In some cases, re-entering a firm will effect in a big number of items falling through tables, flying off shelves and become scattered.
  •  360 PS3  In Hjerim, Vlindrel Hall and Honeyside the mannequins can glitch and then if the armor is taken off the mannequin, if the Dragonborn re-enters the firm, the armor has been duplicated and volition exist on the mannequin. This glitch can be used for income, since the armor can be sold.
  •  360 PS3  Sometimes Sanguine Rose and Wabbajack, when put in the weapon racks, will be stored upside downwardly. The Axe of Whiterun, when put in weapon racks, will be stored perpendicular to the wall.
  •  360 PS3  If books are placed on a bookshelf in the Dragonborn's dwelling house, then read and taken, they will be unable to activate the bookshelf once more. Seemingly the only solution is loading a previous autosave.
  •  360 PS3  Mannequins, weapon racks, weapon plaques, and display cases may bug in differing ways. In all houses, mannequins can become transparent, but putting a necklace on them, exiting the activation screen, and taking it off can prepare it temporarily. Racks, plaques, and display cases may all lose their ability to be activated. I known temporary solution is to punch the bugged slice of piece of furniture until the option to "activate" reappears.
    •  PS3 (Prepare)  This may exist avoided by buying the business firm and all upgrades at once so entering the purchased and upgraded house. Although, some pocket-size bugs are even so present like mannequins becoming transparent or the Dragonborn's items put in the house can be found scattered all over.
  • Sometimes when a firm is purchased, the items inside volition not exist in the Dragonborn's ownership, so every particular will have the "steal" option instead of "accept," and taking them will be considered stealing past onlookers.
  •  360  Sometimes ane of the bookshelves will turn invisible. This is only a visual issues/glitch. Could be caused by having books on said shelf when completing a whole quest line. Taking everything off the bookshelf then exiting and reentering the firm fixes this. Might just affect the bookshelf right near the entrance in Breezehome and the Companions quest.
  •  360  When entering Breezehome some books on bookshelves will disappear entirely resulting in them no longer being on the bookshelf or anywhere at all. The solution is to load the last autosave.
  • Sometimes when the Dragonborn enters Heljarchen Hall, and if Alesan is adopted, he will spawn under the table in the chief hall.
  •  PC 360 PS3  Sometimes, mannequins can glitch and motion off of their plates. The solution is to merely exit the firm.
  •  PC 360 PS3  If the Dragonborn is listening to a grapheme while entering their house, they may be stuck in their firm for a while. There does non appear to be a fix, although after a while, the character might leave, but the fourth dimension is completely random.


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